We are far beyond treating right-wing commentators and purveyors of alternative facts as some kind of joke. The same mistake was made with Trump – now we have children in cages and camps, and lives are being lost.

As long as the true state of the world continues to be downplayed and given dismissive, we know best commentary from the same stale pundits and media structures which failed to predict Brexit, Trump, Russia – and, well, all of it – the more quietly the arrival of the eventual door knocks will come.

Our government embodies every ounce of gaslighting and white privilege

this country has always been built upon. It continues to dupe those who

are subjects of the dead empire. We are just witnesses to the

sociopathic superiority complex of old money.

It’s not an understatement or exaggeration to say the world is in peril. To shout that we are making the exact mistakes made in pre-war Germany. It is happening. It has happened. The sooner people actually get their coddled heads around this the better. Not that we are in time to change anything at this point: all that remains is consequences. Payments due for complacency.

Watching the British “negotiate” with the EU shows nothing has changed in our national identity since the slave trade. Our government embodies every ounce of gaslighting and white privilege this country has always been built upon. It continues to dupe those who are subjects of the dead empire. We are just witnesses to the sociopathic superiority complex of old money. Britain believes it can still warmonger its way to success, even as it has just lost the hybrid war to Putin’s Russia.

“America spent years ignoring the people of colour telling it the truth

which desperately needed to be heard. The truth which would have ensured

internment camps did not return.”

As for the United States, it’s clear the civil war never really ended and nobody noticed until it was shoved right back in their faces. America spent years ignoring the people of colour telling it the truth which desperately needed to be heard. The truth which would have ensured internment camps did not return.

The same old power struggles have allowed a new enemy to rise and fascism will dominate, because we are not the same people we once were. Not everyone has had to face struggle or trauma, insulated by years of peace and relative prosperity. A new privilege based on the idea the worst can’t happen because it hasn’t happened to them. But this new fascism isn’t the same old beast either. It has less fear of failure because it grew in a world without consequence of failure. Of endless lives and retries until the level is complete. It was born and raised in a connected world without barriers, mutating as it did.

“One day, the media and the new generation of the privileged will say something very close to ‘we were just following orders'”

It will win because we have learned nothing. Nor has the media. The tired, sneering, know-it-all approach to journalism, bolstered by the fight for circulation and revenue in the changed world, has lulled everyone into laying down on their bed of privilege.

The same sneer is often reflected in conversations of people everywhere. Billing themselves as optimists, when the truth is they have never had to suffer hardship so they’ll be okay in the future. It is these people who will be the first to roll over, as self-preservation kicks in.

One day, the media and the new generation of the privileged will say something very close to ‘we were just following orders,’ and the emerging world that comes after will regard them in horror.