How Kenneth Clarke and Chris Grayling’s failed commercial venture cost us the taxpayer over £1m
The National Audit Office reveals today that a Whitehall commercial venture by Chris Grayling selling prison expertise to regimes with dubious judicial systems has actually cost the taxpayer over £1m
Theresa May’s new immigration official: the private landlord
From February 1 every private landlord and home owner who takes in lodgers becomes an immigration officer in a Home Office scheme doomed to be ineffective and possibly racist.
Leaked Savile Report: The BBC culture that failed to protect people from abuse
The BBC’s spin management that the leaked Savile report by Dame Janet Smith is all in the past is wrong. It is still very much an unresolved issue at the BBC
Exaro Exclusive: Dame Janet Smith’s criticism of the BBC over Savile
The leaked draft report by Dame Janet Smith on Jimmy Savile at the BBC.
Last Day to be part of Daniel Morgan Murder Podcast Team
As funding closes and the 10 part podcast serial is set for general release in Spring, some news about the production
Sneaky and Naive: The Department of Health’s plan to raise care home inspection fees
The Department of Health is planning to recoup £780m by charging the full whack for inspecting private care homes, ambulance services and hospitals. Superficially it sounds a good idea but their logic is naive and they have been sneaky in announcing the change.
Fact and Fiction over Jeremy Corbyn’s first by election defeat of the year
A Labour Party defeat in the first council by-election of the year in flooded Carlisle is not all it appears to be as reported by Guido Fawkes and the Daily Express. it is another example of sloppy journalism.
Is a £1 million fine a drop in the ocean for Thames Water?
The £1m fine for sewage pollution of the Grand Union Canal is the largest ever in Britain. But Thames Water is so wealthy that it will hardly hurt them.