A tainted and improper appointment by Nicky Morgan
Nicky Morgan’s decision to appoint millionaire lawyer David Issac as the new chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission is the first appointment which does not comply fully with the Nolan principles of selflessness and integrity and will taint the work of the Commission.
” Darth Vader” mandarin’s unstellar performance on crime mustn’t pay
A leading civil servant nicknamed Darth Vader bungles his appearance before Parliament’s financial watchdog, the Public Accounts Committee,explaining why the government has failed to confiscate the assets of criminals.
How the government is allowing the Japanese to profit from captive London and Brummie commuters
The government is throwing a lifeline to a privatised Japanese railway company to bid for lucrative London and Birmingham commuter services as the firm faces a terminal decline in traffic using Tokyo’s commuter trains.
Seven Guys in a Boat: The Caen Hill challenge
Seven friends still just in their prime – average age 69 – take on Britain’s biggest canal flight in a narrowboat as part of a relaxing spring break. Who says we are past it.
Murdoch’s papers attacking Phone Hacking Victims to Divert from Detective Hacked to Death?
Facing an onslaught from many sections of the press for breaking the Whittingdale scandal, Byline is also an acute focus of interest for Rupert Murdoch’s UK press.
Byline: Breaking Stories the Media Avoid
Why John Whittingdale Must Recuse Himself from Press Legislation
Call it conflict of interest or regulatory capture, the Culture Secretary must resign from any say on legislation on the press which has extensive materials about his private life
Europe Turns Violent Against Refugees
The Independent. In the End, it Wasn’t. What Next?
James Cusick gives his personal view of the Whittingdale Scandal and cover up by the Press.
The Real Whittingdale Scandal: Cover up by the Press
David Cameron, under siege for his shifting account of the Panama Papers, is facing an imminent second front of attacks as a consequence of his decision to bring John Whittingdale into the cabinet last year
Should £1 bn of unclaimed pensions, shares and insurance policies be used to alleviate austerity?
A new quango entirely composed of wealthy business people will be used to find £1 billion of dormant assets so ministers can distribute other people’s money to allievate the cuts they are imposing on people in Britain
Top lawyer faces storm over ” perceived conflict of interest” in government job
A plan to appoint a £500,000 a year lawyer to chair the Equality and Human rights Commission has provoked a Parliamentary row over whether he will have a ” perceived conflict of interest ” in taking the £50,000 a year job because his firm has large numbers of government contracts.
Is Lowell Goddard moving towards a ” show Trial ” over the Westminster Paedophile Ring?
Lady Justice Goddard’s statement on April 1 that the inquiry would test the credibility of survivors in its major hearings and condemn those who made false allegations points to any inquiry into the Westminster Paedophile ring becoming a show trial.
Facebook to challenge paedophile’s right to privacy and excessive damages in Northern Ireland test case
A case which led to a paedophile winning £20,000 damages for harassment and the banning of Facebook page by a campaigner is to be challenged in the Northern Ireland courts next week by Facebook.