Phone hacking: time the police stepped in

Evidence against executives and editors is piling up in the civil courts, but newspapers are just buying their way out of trouble. The right place for this is the criminal courts, which means the Met must act

The Cairncross Review and the crisis in journalism

Can Dame Frances Cairncross find a way of subsidising journalism without giving ministers the power to syphon money to their corrupt press chums – and without enabling Big Tech to buy itself freedom from scrutiny?

Days away: a new subsidy for our corrupt press

A likely Budget cut in VAT on online publications will be presented as a boost for journalism. In reality it is a bung for the pro-Tory billionaires behind the Mail, the Sun and the Telegraph

IPSO and arbitration: don’t get fooled again

After promising million-pound fines, front-page corrections and tough investigations – none of which happened – the sham regulator says it will offer ‘compulsory’ arbitration. We’d be mad to trust it

IPSO’s latest season of calamities

Damned in an official report, exposed as useless by a select committee, incapable of tackling flagrant press dishonesty, caught cherry-picking complaints – the sham press regulator is blundering between disasters

A warning for Grenfell Tower survivors

The inquiry into the disaster has two parts, with the toughest questions due in part 2. But will part 2 ever happen? The example of Leveson 2 says no

How IPSO cherry-picks complaints

The tame press ‘regulator’ faces a court challenge about the way it dismisses some complaints because they are made by the wrong people

Leveson 2: the Guardian has no case

After endorsing the cancellation of an inquiry into its own corrupt and untrusted industry, the paper offers only obfuscations and distractions

Leveson: Theresa May gets her facts wrong

The Prime Minister says press reforms backed by the Lords threaten local papers. But locals already have a special opt-out– thanks to measures she helped sponsor


And no, although the corporate press are desperate to avoid a public examination of who was to blame for the criminality in their ranks, Part Two of the Leveson Inquiry has not been scrapped

Newspapers: how near is the end?

A central feature of British life for more than two centuries, the printed morning newspaper will soon disappear for good. And it looks as though some of the biggest names will be the next to go.

Paul Dacre: colossus to dinosaur

For a year and more the Daily Mail’s editor towered over this country and a craven Tory party did his bidding. Now the electorate has stood up to him