Cambridge Analytica CEO Gives Evidence To Fake News Inquiry
Covering topics from Brexit, Leave.EU, to Trump and Wikileaks, Nix gave vital insight into a company which operates globally, subject to only limited scrutiny, which targets voters at a personal-emotional level to drive the behaviour of electorates and change political landscapes for profit.
A psychiatrist’s damning indictment of 500 years of racism – now revived by Trump and 9/11
A new book by a consultant psychiatrist raises very awkward issues about racism in the UK and the US and the way psychiatrists and clinical psychologists treat BME people just as Theresa May wants to rewrite our mental health laws.
Select committee savages IPSO for failing to protect Muslims
Of 8,148 complaints about discrimination in the press in a year, the industry’s tame regulator upheld just one
50s pensioners: Time for you to put the boot into your local councillor at May’s elections
May’s local elections provide an ideal opportunity for the 50s pensioners to put their views across and throw out your local councillor if he or she doesn’t agree with you.
Off Down T’ Bitmine
Having become increasingly annoyed with my computer slowing down, I searched for some answers. Though I didn’t realise what was happening, I fell down a rabbit hole and landed in the dark world of cryptojacking. As I found, it wasn’t so far from where I’ve spent the last year digging…
Inside The Wikileaks Leak
The Intercept has published a series of leaked private messages from inside Wikileaks, providing an insight into the world of Julian Assange, confirming there is nothing public spirited to be found. The organisation deliberately targets journalists and public officials.
Gove takes the lead in a Whitehall Brexit spending spree to bypass Parliament
Whitehall mandarins have devised a neat way to spend a lot of your taxpayers money on Brexit and bypass any meaningful scrutiny by Parliament
Freedom & the local press: a CEO’s misleading message to readers
The boss of regional newspaper group Johnston has written a letter to readers that is packed with distortions
Court Rules Julian Assange Considers Himself “Above The Normal Rules Of Law”
A London court has delivered a second damning judgment against wanted man Julian Assange, ruling: “he is a man who wants to impose his terms on the course of justice, whether the course of justice is in this jurisdiction or in Sweden. He appears to consider himself above the normal rules of law.”
Kremlin Social Network Backing Jacob Rees-Mogg
Analysis of social media traffic between January and February 2018 shows support for Jacob Rees-Mogg is coming from known Kremlin networks.
Russia More Influential Than Leave Campaigns During Brexit
New analysis by confirms the scale of Russian media influence during Brexit vote dwarfed the main Vote Leave and Leave.EU campaigns, driving anti-EU propaganda, disinformation and fake news to influence voters. The Kremlin campaign peaked on the 23rd of June 2016 as British cast ballots.
Revealed:The over budget safeguarding system that doesn’t know if your kids are safe from sexual predators
The National Audit Office has exposed another Whitehall bungle costing hundreds of millions – on a critical service aimed to protect children and vulnerable adults from predators- and the service doesn’t even know whether employers bar them.
May To Lead Britain To No Deal Nightmare
Government internal communications indicate Theresa May is due to capitulate to the hard-right and take Britain out of the EU with no deal, securing the worst case outcome shown in the government’s own impact assessments.
UK Fake News Inquiry Joins Forces With US Russia Probe
The UK’s Fake News Inquiry, chaired by MP Damian Collins, has travelled to Washington to interview Social Media giants about Russian influence on Brexit. Britain is at the start of what will be a painful process but Collins has teamed up with Senator Mark Warner to fight the attacks on democracy.
50s Women:”Nobody will see their pension entitlement changed by more than 18 months” – Theresa May’s crass error
The Prime Minister appears to be totally ignorant of the fact that 3.8 million women pensioners are having to wait up to six years for their pension. She thinks it is a mere 18 months.
May Crime Figures Claim Fake News
During PMQ’s, Prime Minister Theresa May clashed with Jeremy Corbyn over cuts to policing. She claimed she had changed the way police crime was recorded as Home Secretary. The change was in fact the result of an inquiry sparked by a police officer: me.
Incivil Contingencies: #1 The Dictatorship
A series exploring a range of extreme, worst-case scenarios, their likely impact, measures the general public could take, and a likely final outcome…
Assange: Latest Appeal Failed, Remains Wanted
London Court rules that Assange is to remain wanted for Bail offences in the UK, liable to arrest, and his case was not persuasive. Facts followed by opinion.
The PM’s journalism ‘review’: a job for Leveson 2
Unless it has the true independence of a public inquiry, Theresa May’s initiative will just be a gravy train for Dacre and Murdoch
Murdoch Admits to Targeting Daniel Morgan Murder Detective and Family
After six years of wrangling, NewsUK has admitted that News of the World hacked and surveilled the family of the detective leading the fourth murder inquiry into the involvement of their favourite private investigators, Southern Investigations, in the murder of Daniel Morgan
Rebekah Brooks and the stink that won’t go away
Her company may be offering ‘sincere apologies’ in court, but the newspaper boss still hasn’t explained why a police officer’s family was targeted
IMPRESS reject arbitration and compensation claim from ex MP over Esther Baker investigation story
A request for arbitration and compensation to the press regulator, IMPRESS, by former Liberal Democrat MP John Hemming over the Esther Baker case has been rejected by the regulator.